Incoming Events

ARPE Inauguration Event

ARPE is glad to organize the inauguration event of the association. The initiative will be an occasion for the companies in the pressure equipment sector to know the others industry operators, to discuss about the main issues and to identify the common goals for the year 2018. The event will take place on Wednesday March 28th, 2018 starting from 10:00 A.M. at Premium Wellness Institute, Str. Dumitru Brumărescu, Nr. 1–3, CP 04183, Sector 4, Bucharest. The celebration will include a short workshop, a visit at the company Walter Tosto WTB and…

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Latest News

ARPE has been founded

ARPE, Asociația Română Pressure Equipment, was established in Bucharest on february 26, 2018 by the founders Walter Tosto WTB, Mr. Luca Tosto and Boscolo & Partners Consulting S.r.l. in order to represent all the Romanian companies operating in the pressure equipment industry. The inauguration event will be held on march 28, 2018.

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