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SGS – The day of Open Doors, 15.11.2018

SGS Romania a organizat in data de 15 Noiembrie un eveniment la care s-au prezentat noutati referitoare la cerinte legislative, standarde precum si servicii noi dezvoltate. Dintre subiectele care s-au abordat: 1. Mediu, securitate si sanatate ocupationala o Noutati legislative in domeniul protectiei mediului si gestionarii deseurilor si ambalajelor, o Azbest Survey: Investigarea, evaluarea si minimizarea riscurilor privind prezenta azbestului o Legionella Management Plan: Testarea, evaluarea de periculozitate; o Inovatiile SGS in monitorizarea calitatii aerului de interior: sistemele automate SGS Air Sense and SGS Smart Sense 2. Industrie o Calificare…

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Forumul Echipamentelor sub Presiune(PEF, 21 Noiembrie, Italia)- AIPE si Lloyd’s

In data de 21 Noiembrie Asociatia Italiana de Echipamente sub Presiune(AIPE) impreuna cu Lloyd’s au organizat Forumul Echipamentelor sub Presiune(Pressure Equipment Forum), in Milano. La eveniment au fost prezenti reprezentanti ai membrilor AIPE cat si beneficiari ai serviciilor Lloyd’s. Printre cei care au sustinut prezentari amintesc reprezentantii Dillinger si Arcelor(Industeel) precum si reprezentanti ai distribuitorilor care vand in piata internationala produsele celor doua companii. Prezentarile au continut informatii despre situatia curenta a industriei de echipamente sub presiune precum si predictii legate de proiectele care vor urma in perioada urmatoare. Cu…

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Universitatea Petrol – Gaze, Ploiesti: 70 de ani de la infiintare

In data de 15 Noiembrie s-au aniversat 70 de ani de la infiintarea UPG (denumirea initiala fiind Institutul de Petrol si Gaze, infiintat in 1948). In cadrul festivitatii au tinut discursuri actualul rector, Prof. Univ. Dr. Ing. Mihai Pascu Coloja, rectorul onorific – Prof. Univ. Dr. Ing. Antonescu Niculae Napoleon, reprentanti ai catedrelor din cadrul UPG, reprezentantiai altor universitati precum si oficialitati locale si centrale. Evenimentul a continuat cu alte evenimente importante printre care intalnirea membrilor Asociatiei Romane de Mecanica Ruperii (ARMR). In cadrul sesiunilor de dezbatere reprezentantii universitatilor din…

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100 DE ANI DE INDUSTRIE IN ROMANIA – ARPE a fost prezenta la sesiunea de pe 14 Octombrie, la Politehnica Bucuresti

ARPE a fost prezenta pe 14 Octombrie la Politehnica Bucuresti pentru a sta fata in fata cu cei care au reprezentat sau inca reprezinta industria romaneasca. In cadrul simpozionului stiintific aniversar s-au tinut discursuri de catre personalitati remarcante ale industriei, care au contribuit decisiv la dezvoltarea acesteia sau care inca sunt active in companii private, de stat, institute de cercetare sau universitati. Programul evenimentului a fost impartit pe doua zile, avand teme diferite: 14 Octombrie – “Trecut si prezent in industria romaneasca. Provocari si realizari” 15 Octombrie – ” Sa…

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October 18, ARPE Annual Meeting – event summary and pictures

ARPE General Meeting on October 18th was an event attended by about 60 people, including representatives of 30 companies and over 10 special guests. The guests spoke to those present about the realities of the pressure equipment industry, but they also showed opportunities for future projects. At the end of the meeting were voted the Vice President of ARPE as well as the members of the Board of Directors. The debated topics referred to: the start-up period of the romanian industry, in which Romania has produced and delivered pressure equipment,…

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Representatives of Petroleum and Gas University of Ploiesti visiting ARPE

As a member of ARPE, Petroleum and Gas University of Ploiesti (UPG) represents an important scientific support for research and development activities that will take place within the association. At this aim, the first step was made yesterday, November 1, when the representatives of UPG visited ARPE’s headquarters. They were welcomed by ARPE President Lucian Rusu and ARPE General Secretary Catalin Minea, Walter Tosto WTB President Fabio Scipione and Walter Tosto WTB Project Manager Danilo Di Fabio. UPG representatives – Professor Alin Dinita, Professor Gabriela Ionescu, Professor Andrei Dumitrescu and…

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Collaboration between ROMATOM and OCNI could lead to future projects for ARPE members

The President of ARPE, Mr. Lucian Rusu, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation between the Romanian Atomic Forum (ROMATOM) and the Organization of the Nuclear Industries of Canada (OCNI). During this event, Mr. Rusu presented ARPE as an association that can participate, through its members, in projects in the nuclear industry. He also presented Walter Tosto as an important supplier of the Romanian nuclear industry, through its technological and technical capabilities and experience gained in international projects.

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